This platform is dedicated to MaTerRE 2025 call for proposals for Allowances : post-doctoral grants and doctoral grants.
Eligible projects are carried out between team members of labs working on MaTerRE axes. Any Paris Region lab is eligible, without prior affiliation to the DIM. The submission of a project will be considered as an application for affiliation to the DIM. If applicable, a team sheet must be submitted with the project for each unaffiliated partner.
Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria are the following:
Novelty and quality of the collaboration, in terms of complementarity and expected synergy. The project must associate the skills of at least two laboratories relevant for MaTerRE.
Innovative aspect of the project and collaboration with regard to the state of the art. Risk taking is encouraged.
Scientific and technical quality of the project.
At equal scientific quality, projects with co-financing will be favored.
A collaboration with an international partner can also be taken into account.
Language and file nomenclature
Projects must be written exclusively in English.
Files must be named according to the following these rules : PROJECTSHORTNAME_PROJECTLEADERNAME_FILENAME.